Jonathan Medina - "There is always a way to Win! Invest in yourself to find the way to Victory. Invest in your Leadership!"
Investing vs Spending
Investing is to put something in to get something even better out later. Spending is to use up without getting something better. If I give you $20 and you give me back $30 that was a good investment of the $20. If I give you $20 and you give me back $10 that was a bad investment. That works so many other things besides money. When we put money in banks they invest the money we give them and make more money. The same can work with our minds, body, and soul. We can invest now to become a better student leader tomorrow and in the future.
People will try to tell you that you are not good enough. People will try and tell you that you may not be smart enough. People will try and say that you may not have the experience. People will try and tell you that you don't have the talent. People will try and tell you that you are not strong, pretty, handsome, fast, etc... They will try and say that you are not enough.
You are enough, but you must invest in finding the way. Student Leadership is all about finding a way.
Mark Cuban, "Because if you're prepared and you know what it takes, it's not a risk. You just have to figure out how to get there. There is always a way to get there."
Invest in Yourself! Invest in a Coach!
I can still hear my college coach giving me instructions before the biggest games. I can still remember the tips I was given that made me 10x better. I remember small and quick tips that would have huge results against my opponent. My coaches helped me change my diet so that I could quickly get bigger, faster, stronger.
I can still hear my academic coaches that showed me how to study better. I can remember my writing coaches that showed me how to write the perfect college essay. I can remember my SAT coach showing me how to approach the test and increase hundreds of points between test.
I had coaches that helped me get the best application ready for me to get into the top colleges.
Bill Gates, "Surround yourself with people who challenge you, teach you, and push you to be your best self."
All of my biggest and most important jumps in skills came from the advice of my coaches. Always remember you can make big and fast improvements by investing in top coaches.
Invest in You! Invest Time!
Tik toc, tik toc, tik toc....We all have the same amount of time in the day. Some people are spending time and some people are investing time. The difference between spending and investing is that good investments will bring you better things in the future.
There is a Lion inside you, but you need to invest time to bring the Lion out.
You will have to make some serious choices as you grow as a Student Leader. I want you to know that the Lion Student Leader is inside you but you will need to invest time to grow into the lion.
Coaches will shorten the amount of time because they make each second worth more, but you will still need time.
Steph Curry shoots so good because he has spent so much time working on his shooting skills. He has the best coaches and they put in a ton of time. He has had to make serious choices about how he invests his time in order to invest the time to shoot over and over.
The same way as a student leader you need to invest your time in to reading books, watching leadership videos, and joining groups of other leaders. Invest time learning to become a better public speaker. Invest time in building your team around you.
If you are not using your time to grow as a student leader, you are spending it. Make sure you either invest or spend your time wisely. Be sure to invest as much time as possible into growing your leadership by going to camps/conferences, writing down your goals, learning the skills. You are a champion and you have a lion inside. Invest the time to bring it out.
Invest in You! Invest Resources!
You have 24 hours. You have money or you can raise money. You have friends/teammates/and others in your groups, clubs, and teams. You have supporters. You have technology. You have a dream, vision, and passion. You have energy.
Use everything you have to accomplish your positive dreams and goals. INVEST
What and How have you INVESTED already in your Student Leadership?
How much time have you already INVESTED in your Student Leadership?
How will you INVEST your next summer?
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