I am still in shock from the devastating news as a sports fan. Kobe passed away in a tragic helicopter crash this past weekend. Kobe, 1 of his daughters, and 7 others passed away in the fatal helicopter accident. I remember many moments watching him dominate games against my team (San Antonio Spurs). Kobe is of course one of the Top 10 players ever.
I wanted to take some time to share some favorite quotes from Kobe Bryant that can help us become better Leaders.
1. "The most important thing is to try and INSPIRE people so that they can be great in whatever they do."
As a student Leader, always remember that leaders INSPIRE others to be great. Leaders inspire others to take action. Student Leaders inspire others to WIN.
2. "We can always do what's easier, be average and settle for being ordinary. Or, we can take a Risk, Pursue our DREAMS and strive for the EXTRAORDINARY."
As a student leader it is always important to take a risk. Student Leaders Pursue their dreams. Student Leaders strive to be Extraordinary.
3. "If you are Afraid to Fail, you are probably going to Fail."
Student Leaders can not be afraid to fail. As a student leader you are going to be asked to take risk. As a student leader you are going to be asked to make tough decisions. As a student leader you are going to be asked to do things you may not succeed at. You may fail, but you can not be afraid to fail.
4. "Everything negative - PRESSURE, CHALLENGES - are all an OPPORTUNITY for me to RISE."
As a student leader you are going to experience pressure. As a student leader you are going to experience challenges. As a student leader you are going to have an Opportunity to overcome both challenges and pressure. As a student leader you will be expected to RISE above pressures and challenges.
5. "Great things come from HARD WORK and PERSEVERANCE. NO EXCUSES!"
Student Leaders should be setting the example as the hardest workers. Student Leaders should be setting the example by persevering until success happens (PUSH). Student leaders should not be making nor accepting excuses. As a student leader you must work harder and harder and harder until you reach success.
Make a Quote image with Canva or Word Swag (Phone Apps) and post it on your instagram.
Tag @jmedinaspeaks.